Notes & Combos
This is, from all my testing and sample hands, the most consistent and efficient Watt variant currently playable. I played this list for about 90% of the DC, although I did switch to Voiceless Voice occasionally for variety - and while this deck DOES win at a semi-consistent rate, it has one massive, glaring issue:
This format is AWFUL for Watts. Tenpai existing means that you will have to go first sometimes, which this deck has very few answers to since you cannot build a board with just Watts and require the toybox to build Bagooska. On top of this, Yubel, Snake Eye, Ritual Beast, and Tearalements are all very explosive and, unfortunately, easily play around most boardbreakers if given the opportunity to pop off. Watts is inherently better against any deck that either builds a massive board with few layers or very slow boards that rely a lot on hand advantage, as TDC and Kingdom, along with your Handloop, are very efficient at stopping your opponent from winning topdeck wars. Decks like Centur-ion have interaction that is very dense, requiring a lot of non-engine and good timing to win - many of your games will be won off of lucky Maxx C resolution that stops your opponent from getting the out.
This list could run more handtraps or boardbreakers, but the Toybox engine is for all intents and purposes mandatory and really cannot be cut, so ratios are tricky here. Knightmare Goblin enables a number of combo lines and makes the deck slightly more consistent - but you still have to perform this through interaction. Also, this deck automatically loses to Maxx C and Nibiru. It excels at keeping bricked opponents bricked, but often cannot play through the handtraps they bricked on.
Ultimately, this deck remains casual, despite my attempts. With the release of Razeal, this deck will be quite functional, as Ice is a 1 card combo, but realistically in this climate, most decks are simply too efficient and consistent for Watts to function into unless your hands are insane.
Also, Interrupted Kaiju Slumber can get ashed. So enjoy losing 30% of your games because of that.
Have a couple standout replays on my acc as examples. Note I was playing Kurikara earlier in the DC cup and switched to duster later. Still not sure which one is better, frankly. More replays are avalible in the #watt channel on discord, just scroll up :3